In As Much......
When our Lord gave instructions to those first disciples about what they, (and we) should do fulfill His plan for us, He said to them,...
It Doesn't Make Any Sense; or Does It?
Early in the 20th century, a priest rescued a four year old boy from drowning, saving his life. That four year old grew up to be...
With Whom Do You Identify?
All of us want to make a good impression on others, especially if we are meeting them for the first time. But there are fears associated...
God Bless You
How much thought do we give to those who need a warm embrace? All around us, on a daily basis, we are surrounded by those who hide their...
I may have mentioned earlier that I like tulips. This year the things I planted last October came up in the middle of January! I have a...
What is Normal?
Recently, I have wished I could just go somewhere where everything is "normal". Then, I also ask myself, "just what is normal"? Most of...
This Will Test Your Medal!
I determined many years ago how I would react in certain situations. I think I was inspired by Cassie Bernall, a 17 years old student at...
It Would be Impossible!
Here is something to think about this Palm Sunday weekend. We know Jesus was raised from the dead in order to lead the way for us to...