Tempus Fugit
They say that time flies when you're having fun -- our version of the Latin tempus fugit. I'll certainly agree it flies when you're...
Fair Haven of Rest
If one word seems to describes us all right now, it's "tired." Yesterday it seemed like most of us (the preacher included) were dragging...
Rev. Billy Graham, 1918-2018
The first news I heard when I woke up this morning was the passing of Billy Graham at age 99. There aren't enough words to say what an...
For God & Country
Today is Presidents' Day. The holiday was created in 1968 to act as a way to honor all presidents of the United States, but it is...
Today is Valentine's Day, which is great and all, but even more importantly, it's Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of...
On Science
Christians today, especially evangelical Christians living in the Bible Belt, fight what I truly consider an unnecessary war: a war...
I try to keep a week's worth of blogs written at a time. The key word there is "try"; I haven't managed it yet this year. Still, I prefer...
I may have started at RSCC on Superbowl Sunday in 2016, but today marks my official two-year anniversary at Russell Springs Christian...
Praying for Snow
I've seen it online as the sign for many churches. The churches themselves look buried in snow, and it seems the sign person had enough:...